DevOps Engineer Conexa First (Contractor)

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Specjalista (Mid/Regular), Pełny etat

TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.

Poznań (Polska)

Data publikacji: 21.05.2024

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TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.


Miedziana 3A lok. 21

00-814 Warszawa



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TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.

TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.
Our client is a leading provider of global IoT (Internet of Things) solutions that has been helping businesses across various sectors to connect, control, and secure their devices for over two decades. With a platform enabling connection management and data infrastructure across 15 large data centers, the company offers reliable and secure solutions tailored to the needs of customers worldwide. With over 12 million devices connected globally, our client is a leader in the IoT connectivity industry. The company has offices in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America, demonstrating its global reach and flexibility in delivering solutions. We are currently looking for talented individuals for various positions who want to join our team and support the development of innovative technologies. If you are ready for challenges in a dynamically growing industry, check our current job offers.

DevOps Engineer Conexa First (Contractor)

Miejsce pracy: Poznań (wielkopolskie)

Numer referencyjny: 91653/

Wymiar pracy: Pełny etat


  • BSc in Computer Science, Engineering or relevant field
  • 3-5 years" experience as a DevOps Engineer or similar software engineering role
  • Strong expertise in Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Jenkins, and Ansible.
  • Proficiency with monitoring and alerting tools, such as Prometheus and Grafana.
  • Experience of Terraform and cloud formation scripting
  • AWS experience
  • Proficient with Apache Kafka
  • Experience with database technologies, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Solr.
  • Proficient with Git and Git workflows
  • Experience with Selenium for automated testing purposes.
  • Good knowledge of Ruby or Python
  • Experience with software engineering and development of applications for high transaction volumes
  • Extensive knowledge of the principles and methodologies of process transformation
  • Knowledge of business systems
  • Experience of working with management information systems
  • An understanding of best practices regarding system security measures
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Time management and leadership skills.
  • Positive outlook in meeting challenges and working to a high level.
  • Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Strong prioritisation skills and ability to work with stakeholders to agree key priorities.
  • Ability to work across teams and departments to gain input and feedback.
  • Detail-oriented and capable of delivering a high level of accuracy

We offer:

  • Attractive salary based on a B2B contract with UK company.
  • The opportunity to work for an entrepreneurial Company.
  • Full training, ongoing support, and the tools you need to grow and develop in your role.
  • Client is a company with a heart and who genuinely values and respects its employees.
  • Full remoted work.


  • Design and implement cloud solutions which are secure, scalable, resilient, monitored, auditable and cost optimized.
  • Write Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Industry standard tools and services.
  • Write application deployment automation using industry standard deployment and configuration tools.
  • Design and implement continuous delivery pipelines that serve the purpose of provisioning and operating client test as well as production environments.
  • Provide systems support including responding to monitoring alerts.
  • Implement and stay abreast of Cloud and DevOps industry best practices and tooling.
  • Manage and monitor our development environments using best practices in Kubernetes, Helm, and Docker.
  • Imagine, architect, develop, deploy, and evolve CI and CD systems deployments.
  • Work with developers to identify necessary AWS and Azure resources and automate their provisioning.
  • Develop and implement new services, including Docker images, Helm charts and Jenkins pipelines, to support our product roadmap.
  • Architect and deploy resilient multi-site Kafka clusters.
  • Identify and correct any single points of failure.
  • Create appropriate cost optimization plans and working scripts to minimize resource consumption.
  • Work with development team and key stake holders to create plan for monitoring AWS and to a lesser extent, Azure resources.
  • Work closely with key stakeholders to capture, analyse, and derive DevOps requirements.
  • Maintain knowledge of domain best practice and methodology appropriate to the business process architecture and the telecoms industry
  • Work closely with other technology professionals within the company to ensure that processes are designed appropriately, and associated process implementations are working properly.
  • Ensure that effective security is prioritized and included in the design of all integrations and process changes.
  • Translate business needs into requirements documentation.


TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.


Miedziana 3A lok. 21

00-814 Warszawa



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